Re-Align with Jesus "Around the Table" - September 29, 2024

29 Sep 2024, 12:15pm–2:00pm CDT

Frazer Church | The Gathering Place, 6000 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, AL, USA Map

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"Around the Table" is a multi-generational gathering for women to develop new relationships and encourage them to dive deeper in their relationship with Jesus. Frazer Women's Ministry invites every woman to join us at the "Table" with a meal, conversation, testimony and stories. We will have "pre-assigned" seating.

Cost: $12, includes a lunch with beverage
Deadline to register: Monday, September 23, 2024, 12 Noon
Doors open at 12 Noon; enter through the South Atrium doors by the Gathering Place (C parking lot)

Nursery available for birth through 5th grade with registration

Contact information

Booking details

Prices are in USD.

Who’s this registration for?